Friday, July 15, 2022

Count von Count and the Duke of Earl

Left-wing meme, November 2020:

Right-wing meme, May 2022:

I find this symmetry unsettlingly perfect. The Count's full name is Count von Count; von means "of," and a count is the Continental equivalent of an earl (which is why an earl's wife is a countess, the title earless being reserved for certain lizards of the southwestern United States and Mexico). I even noted this, just a few months before Anglin's Duke of Earl posts, in my own Sempiternal Count post: "I understand that you -- that Your Lordship -- enjoys a rank corresponding to that of an Earl, isn't that right?"

The chance that either meme was influenced by the other seems vanishingly small. The memes about how the Count can't be stopped came from Trump's 2020 "STOP THE COUNT" tweet. The memes about how the Duke of Earl can't be stopped are based directly on the lyrics to the 1961 song: "As I walk through this world / Nothing can stop the Duke of Earl" -- and they were created in 2022, long after the Count memes (which were only relevant for a few days in November) had been forgotten.

Are Count von Count and the Duke of Earl actually the same person?


Ra1119bee said...


I think I shared this with you before about the 1961 Doo-Wop song
The Duke of Earl.

As my sister and I walked along our West Dayton neighborhood in 1961,,the song, The Duke of Earl could be heard 'blasting' from our neighbors HI-Fi record players or transistor

Interestingly the lyrics of the" Three Dukes" in the Chorus.

Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl

Also the lyrics:

As I walk through this world
Nothing can stop the Duke of Earl
And you, you are my girl
And no one can hurt you, oh, no

Maybe Earl is symbolic of the word early meaning :
the Greek eerios meaning "at daybreak."

Wasn't lucifer known as the Lightbringer, Lightbearer, Bringer of Dawn, Shining One, or Morning Star.
The Morning Star being Venus?

Maybe the Duke of Earl's song reference of ' You are my Girl, is reference to Venus.

I've shared with you before about my perspective of the Nigredo being THE FIRST
(EARLY) stage of Alchemy. The word Duke meaning the Leader or the First.

I'm not surprise that the singer of this 1961 Doo-Wop song was Black.

The Blackness/Darkness might also explain the Count wearing a black cape, which of
course the cape is symbolic in the occult (that which is hidden).
The Vampire being nocturnal.

To get to the Light, we must go through the dark.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Interesting points, Debbie.

The earl/early link is a very natural one. I remember years ago my father had business dealings with a now-defunct firm called Early, Cloud & Company (founded by a Mr. Early and a Mr. Cloud), and he and his colleagues used to refer jokingly to the "Earl of Cloud."

Note that the Duke of Earl also wears a black cape, even though he's not supposed to be a vampire or anything.

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